General psychiatry

General Psychiatry (GPSYCH) is an open access journal that covers all topics of interest to psychiatrists and other mental health professionals internationally. The journal includes original research, systematic reviews, meta-analyses (that, unlike meta-analyses in other journals, pool results from studies published in Chinese and English), forums on topical issues (with commentaries from Chinese and international authors), case reports, research methods in psychiatry, and a unique section on ‘Biostatistics in Psychiatry’. Original articles on basic research, clinical research, community-based studies, and ecological studies are all considered for publication.

General psychiatry Details

Journal Name General psychiatry
Journal Abbreviation General psychiatry Abbreviation
Journal Print 2096-5923 (20965923)
Journal Online 2517-729X (2517729X)
Impact Factor General psychiatry Impact Factor
CiteScore General psychiatry CiteScore
Acceptance Rate General psychiatry Acceptance Rate
SCImago Journal Rank General psychiatry SJR (SCImago Journal Rank)
Submit Manuscript General psychiatry Website

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