List of Journals around the world

Advanced Materials

Advanced Materials has been bringing you the latest progress in materials science every week for over 30 years. Read carefully selected, top-quality Reviews, Progress Reports, Communications, and Research News at the cutting edge of the chemistry and physics of functional materials. Advanced Materials has an Impact Factor of 25.809 (2018 Journal Impact Factor, Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2019)). One key to the success of Advanced Materials is its pronounced interdisciplinarity.   Keywords materials science, nanotechnology, liquid crystals, semiconductors, superconductors, optics, lasers, sensors, porous materials, light emitting materials, ceramics, biological materials, magnetic materials, thin films, colloids, energy materials, photovoltaics, solar more...

Nature Materials

Nature Materials is a monthly multi-disciplinary journal aimed at bringing together cutting-edge research across the entire spectrum of materials science and engineering. Materials research is a diverse and fast-growing discipline, which has moved from a largely applied, engineering focus to a position where it has an increasing impact on other classical disciplines such as physics, chemistry and biology. Nature Materials covers all applied and fundamental aspects of the synthesis/processing, structure/composition, properties and performance of materials, where "materials" are identified as substances in more...

International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine

International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine (IJMTFM) is aimed to promote scientific communication among medical investigators worldwide.  IJMTFM, which benefits from an international editorial board, is published Quarterly by Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology  in collaboration with Toxicological Research Center (TRC), Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Contents include peer-reviewed research papers covering different aspects of clinical toxicology and forensic medicine. This Journal accepts Original Papers, Review Articles, Systematic Review Articles, Case Reports, Short Communications, Continous Medical Education and Letters more...

American journal of forensic medicine and pathology

The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (formerly Raven Press) covering research on forensic medicine and forensic pathology. The current editor-in-chief is D. Kimberley Molina. more...

IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences

IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences provide a forum for the rapid publication of topical articles on medicine and all basic & clinical aspects of forensic medicine, forensic pathology, forensic science, toxicological sciences (Forensic Toxicology, Analytical Toxicology, Emergency Toxicology, and Critical Care Toxicology), DNA fingerprinting, sexual jurisprudence and environmental medicine. The Journal carries definitive reviews, original communications, hypotheses, learning points of important issues, offering critical analysis and scientific appraisal. IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences more...

Journal of Forensic Medicine

Journal of Forensic Medicine is a multidisciplinary subject and it is defined as the application of medical knowledge to the investigation of crime, particularly in establishing the causes of injury or death. It is used to for the scientific assessment of DNA, blood samples, and so on. Forensic plays an important role in criminal investigations and it is equally used in archeology, Anthropology, Astronomy, Biology, Geology and Victimology. Journal of Forensic Medicine is a peer reviewed journal, serving the International Scientific more...

Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine

The Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine publishes topical articles on aspects of forensic and legal medicine. Specifically the Journal supports research that explores the medical principles of care and forensic assessment of individuals, whether adult or child, in contact with the judicial system. It is a fully peer-review hybrid journal with a broad international perspective. The Journal accepts submissions of original research, review articles, and pertinent case studies, editorials, and commentaries in relevant areas of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Context more...

Journal of Islamabad Medical and Dental College

The Journal of Islamabad Medical and Dental College (JIMDC) is an official journal of Islamabad Medical & Dental College, Islamabad. This open access, double blind peer reviewed journal started in 2012 with bi-annual publication and was upgraded to quarterly publishing in 2015. The journal aims to cover and promote all the latest and innovative advancements in the field of Medical/Health Sciences and healthcare practices. It is an essential journal for all the health sciences including doctors, bio-researchers, students and healthcare professionals, who more...

International Journal of Oral Health Dentistry

International Journal of Oral Health Dentistry (IJOHD) - is an International peer-reviewed multidisciplinary dentistry journal published in every quarter by IP Innovative Publication Private Limited which is available in Print and Online for its users/Subscribers. The motif of this journal is to enhancing Oral Health of the entire community through constant efforts by its peers. The journal publishes scientific Original articles on the relevant fields, review articles, discussion papers, news items, short communications, letters to editors conference presented papers and editorials. more...

IP International Journal of Maxillofacial Imaging

IP International Journal of Maxillofacial Imaging is a quarterly published journal which is formerly known as "International Journal of Maxillofacial Imaging" is a peer review open access journal which focuses on Head and Neck imaging including all imaging modality like conventional radiography, Digital radiography, Ultrasound, CT, MRI related to maxillofacial region and neck. This journal also provides a high platform for researchers and academicians all over the world to promote share and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas more...

IP Indian Journal of Conservative and Endodontics

IP Indian Journal of Conservative and Endodontics - IJCE (formerly known as Indian Journal of Conservative and Endodontics) publish quarterly. It is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles, case reports, invited reviews and comparison studies evaluating materials and methods in the fields of Conservative Dentistry, Dental Materials, and Endodontics. This journal compare studies evaluating materials and methods of pulp conservative and endodontics treatment. Endodontists and general can learn about the new concept in root canal treatment and the latest advances in more...

APOS Trends in Orthodontics

The APOS Trends in Orthodontics (APOS) is an open access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of Orthodontic . The journal is an orthodontic specialty journal and aims to provide its readers state of the art information on orthodontic advances both in the research and clinical arena. Potential authors may submit original research conducted after ethical clearances, clinical case reports, clinical/technique pearls and book reviews. Systematic reviews are welcome, descriptive reviews are not within the scope of more...

Journal of Cancer and Tumor International

Journal of Cancer and Tumor International (ISSN: 2454-7360) aims to publish high quality papers (Click here for Types of paper) in all areas of ‘Cancer and Tumor research’. This journal facilitates the research and wishes to publish papers as long as they are technically correct, scientifically motivated. The journal also encourages the submission of useful reports of negative results. This is a quality controlled, OPEN peer reviewed, open access International journal. This journal will have 4 issues per year. Each issue more...

International Journal of Dermatopathology and Surgery

The International Journal of Dermatopathology and Surgery will cover technical and clinical studies related to the field of Dermatopathology and Surgery. Objects with clinical importance and insinuations will be agreed preference. The International Journal of Dermatopathology and Surgery is a globally celebrated journal for dermatologists. It broadcasts original articles, case reports, precarious reviews and research notes in all areas of dermatology and surgery. The International Journal of Dermatopathology and Surgery has achieved worldwide recognition for its outstanding coverage of the state of more...

International Journal of Anatomy Radiology and Surgery

International Journal of Anatomy Radiology and Surgery aims to share experience of doctors, researchers and students in the field of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. Keeping the fact in mind, that medicine is an arena and its impossible to cover each and every aspect of it in single journal, Editors of IJARS presented this specialty journal. Through this publication, we aim to bring Surgeons, Radiologist and Anatomists on one platform where they could share their work. The joining of these three more...

Journal of Spinal Surgery

Journal of Spinal Surgery (JOSS) is the official journal of Neuro Spinal Surgeons Association (NSSA), India. The Journal of Spinal Surgery is dedicated to propagation and sharing of knowledge in spinal surgery and spinal disorders among neurosurgeons, spinal surgeons and other allied medical fraternities. Younger generation authors from India and abroad are particularly encouraged to publish their scientific articles on research, innovations, challenges in spinal surgery. Thus, apart from original articles, case reports, review articles, operative techniques and letter-to-editors on more...

International Journal of tropical disease and Health

International Journal of tropical disease and Health (IJTDH) (ISSN: 2278 – 1005) aims to publish high quality papers (Click here for Types of paper) in the areas of tropical medicine and public health research, reports on the efficacy of new drugs and methods of treatment, prevention and control methodologies, new testing methods and equipment. This is a quality controlled, peer-reviewed, open access International journal. IJTDH will not only publish traditional full research reports, including short communications, but also this journal will more...

International Journal of Research in Dermatology

International Journal of Research in Dermatology is an open access, international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes new and significant research in dermatology. The journal's full text is available online. The journal allows free access to its contents. The journal aims to provide a platform for the exchange of information about all areas of dermatology and to promote the discipline of dermatology throughout the world. International Journal of Research in Dermatology is one of the fastest communication journals and articles are published online within more...

Journal Of Pediatric Critical Care

Journal of Pediatric Critical Care (JPCC) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed, bimonthly journal, an official publication of Intensive Care Chapter of Indian Academy of Pediatrics, devoted to pediatric intensive care in developing world. Journal was established in 2014. JPCC is indexed in Index Copernicus International world of journal with ICV (2018): 100.00 (Highest value for any Journal) and Crossref Metadata Search. Journal assures four to six weeks of peer review process and accepted articles are published within two months more...

Indian Journal of Community Health

The Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, founded in 1974, is a nonprofit professional organization of specialists in Epidemiology, Health Management, Health Promotion, and Family Medicine, which is dedicated to the promotion of public health by bringing its members' expertise to the development of public health policies, an advocate for education, research, and programs of Community Medicine and providing a forum for the regular exchange of views & information. Indian Journal of Community Health (IJCH) is an official national publication more...

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