List of Journals around the world

Indian journal of biotechnology

Indian Journal of Biotechnology, started as a quarterly journal in 2002, publishes full papers, short communications and reviews in agricultural, animal, environmental, industrial, medical, and microbial biotechnology, bioinformatics, and socio-legal and ethical aspects in biotechnology. The latest developments in biotech-industry are covered under Notes and News.   more...

Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Indian Journal of Science and Technology is an open-access journal publishing full-length research papers and review articles covering subjects that fall under the wide spectrum of science and technology. The journal is dedicated towards dissemination of knowledge related to the advancement in scientific research. The prestigious interdisciplinary editorial board reflects the diversity of subjects covered in this journal. Under the realm of science and technology, the coverage includes environmental science, pure and applied mathematics, agricultural research and engineering, biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, more...

Frontiers of Agriculture in China

Frontiers of Agriculture in China, a quarterly journal, is jointly published by Higher Education Press and Springer. Established in 2007, Frontiers of Agriculture in China is an international journal that publishes original articles on theoretical and applied research in all main aspects of agriculture, such as crop science, horticulture, plant protection, agricultural resources and utilization, animal science, veterinary medicine, aquatic science, food science and engineering, and forestry. Frontiers of Agriculture in China also presents forum papers and reviews, and short communications relevant more...

Animal Production Science

Animal Production Science - Research papers in Animal Production Science focus on improving livestock and food production, and on the social and economic issues that influence primary producers. The journal (formerly known as Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture) is predominantly concerned with domesticated animals (beef cattle, dairy cows, sheep, pigs, goats and poultry); however, contributions on horses and wild animals may be published where relevant. Animal Production Science publishes the highest quality original contributions dealing with: animal breeding and genetics animal nutrition and reproduction livestock more...

Journal of integrative agriculture

Journal of Integrative Agriculture publishes manuscripts in the categories of Commentary, Review, Research Article, Letter and Short Communication, focusing on the core subjects: Crop Science, Horticulture, Plant Protection, Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Agro-Ecosystem and Environment, Food Science, Agricultural Economics and Management, Agricultural Information Science. JIA seeks to publish those papers that are influential and will significantly advance scientific understanding in agriculture fields worldwide. JIA publishes manuscripts in the five categories focusing on the five core subjects listed below. Core Subjects Crop Science Crop more...

International journal of agriculture innovations and research

International journal of agriculture innovations and research -  IJAIR ( ICV : 80.67 ) is an international academic online journal which gains a foothold in India, Asia and opens to the world . It aims to promote the research in the feild of agriculture. The focus is to publish quality papers on state-of-the-art of Agriculture. Submitted papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Journal and Association. All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or more...

Asian journal of agriculture and food science

Asian Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences (AJAFS) is a bright ground for scientists and researchers dealing with agriculture, and food science. The Journal stresses on academic excellence, research inflexibility, data-information-knowledge distribution, and collaborative scholarly efforts. The Journal promotes abstract, experimental and methodological research on agriculture and food sciences at farm, community, regional, national and international levels. Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences preserves prompt publication of manuscripts that meet the broad-spectrum criteria of scientific excellence. Areas of interest include, but more...

Archives of pharmacy practice

Archives of Pharmacy Practice (APP) is an Peer reviewed online open access journal. Archives of Pharmacy Practice (APP) will provide a forum for the researchers for dissemination and exchange of scientific knowledge in the health sciences. APP will publish two issues in a year. However, frequent supplements can be published keeping in view the number of accepted articles. Wolters Kluwer and Journal/Association are committed to meeting and upholding standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process. We follow closely more...

National journal of physiology pharmacy and pharmacology

National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology is a monthly peer reviewed journal.  The journal is having open access policy. NJPPP is an "open access" journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. National journal of physiology, pharmacy and pharmacology journal more...

International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences

The international journal of Pharma and Biosciences (IJPBS) is an online peer reviewed journal in English published quarterly. The journal aims to publish novel research and review articles in the field of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences to reinforce the advancement of these areas which is not limited to: drug discovery, development, preformulation studies, drug delivery and targeting. The research also involved for applying scientific knowledge to enhance healthiness of human progress including biotechnology products like genes, proteins vaccines which comprises more...

International journal of clinical pharmacy

The aim of International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy is to provide a medium for the publication of articles on clinical pharmacy and related practice-oriented subjects in the pharmaceutical sciences. The scope of the journal is clinical pharmacy, its research and its application in e.g. pharmaceutical care. The editors therefore welcome contributions on the above-mentioned topics and especially on the following: Pharmacotherapy and outcome research Clinical pharmacy Pharmacoepidemiology Pharmacoeconomics Pharmaceutical care Medicines and medical devices utilisation Medicines and medical devices information Pharmacy services research Medication management Other clinical aspects of pharmacy   Abstract more...

Acta medica marisiensis

Acta Medica Marisiensis is the official publication of the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu MureÅŸ, being published by University Press. The journal publishes high-quality articles on various subjects related to research and medical practice from the all the medical and pharmaceutical fields, ranging from basic to clinical research and corresponding to different article types such as: reviews, original articles, case reports, case series, letter to editor or brief reports. The journal also publishes short information or editorial more...

Pharmaceutical patent analyst

Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst is dedicated to making the essential content of key patents available in a concise and enriched format to researchers and other specialists, while also providing timely commentary on important issues related to patent and IP law. As one of the main drivers of innovation, in both academia and industry, patents are a rich source of technical information about the latest advances in the discovery and design of novel therapeutics and healthcare products. The journal’s core content therefore comprises high-impact more...

Journal of research in pharmacy practice

Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice (JRPP) is an international (open access) peer-reviewed quarterly research journal published by Wolters Kluwer Health | Medknow. The Journal considers for publication original research papers, systematic qualitative and quantitative reviews, rare case reports, research letters, news notes and invited editorials covering issues of modern clinical pharmacy research and practice. Abstracting and Indexing Information Baidu Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Ex Libris – Primo Central, Google Scholar, Hinari, Infotrieve, National Science Library, ProQuest, TdNet, Wanfang Data   The main focus of the journal more...

World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences - WJPPS is a worldwide multidisciplinary, monthly published, open access, peer-reviewed, online pharmacy journal. The aim of WJPPS is to serve as a means for updating the scientific knowledge of the international audience in the pharmaceutical forum. The Journal welcomes the original research articles, review, short communications and case studies relevant to the various fields of Pharmaceutical Sciences such as; Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Nanotechnology, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Industrial Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Assurance, more...

Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice

Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (formerly known as Southern Med Review) provides a platform for researchers to disseminate empirical research findings, with the aim that people everywhere have access to the medicines they need and use them rationally. The Journal encompasses all aspects of pharmacy including clinical, social, administrative or economic, and provides a platform to researchers, academics and practitioners from around the world to share new evidence, concerns and perspectives. All articles published by Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice more...

Journal of pharmacy and pharmacognosy research

Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research (JPPRes) (ISSN 0719-4250), an international, bimonthly specialized and peer-reviewed open access journal devoted to the publication of original contributions in relevant areas, which publishes original research articles, reviews, letters and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy in English or Spanish. Papers of JPPRes are opening accessible at the journal’s homepage, The Audience of JPPRes could be: Biochemists, Biotechnologists, Botanists, Chemical Engineers, Clinical Pharmacologists, Medical Scientists, Medicinal Chemists, Natural Product more...

SOJ pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

SOJ Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences (SOJPPS) is an Open Access Publication that aims to publish Scholarly Articles pertaining to research of drugs (active pharmaceutical ingredient (API)) and drug products. SOJPPS is a Peer-Reviewed Journal that encompasses drug discovery, drug design, preformulation, formulation of dosage forms, animal toxicity studies, bioavailability & bioequivalence studies, clinical trials for testing safety & efficacy of drug products, drug products specifications, quality control & quality assurance, quality by design, regulatory approval and quality risk management etc. in more...

Journal of managed care and specialty pharmacy

Journal of managed care and specialty pharmacy - JMCP publishes peer-reviewed original research manuscripts, subject reviews, and other content intended to advance the use of the scientific method, including the interpretation of research findings in managed care pharmacy. JMCP is dedicated to improving the quality of care delivered to patients served by managed care pharmacy by providing its readers with the results of scientific investigation and evaluation of clinical, health, service, and economic outcomes of pharmacy services and pharmaceutical interventions, more...

Pharmacy and pharmacology international journal

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal (PPIJ) is an internationally acclaimed open access peer reviewed journal covering all aspects of pharmacy and pharmacology with focus on the mechanism of action of chemicals in biological systems. New research on how drug action may be optimized by new technologies and attention is given to understanding and improving drug interactions in the body. At the same time, the journal maintains its established and well-respected core strengths in areas such as pharmaceutics and drug delivery, more...

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