List of Journals around the world

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (JPPS) is the official journal of the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences. JPPS is a broad-spectrum, peer-reviewed, international pharmaceutical journal circulated electronically via the World Wide Web. Subscription to JPPS is free of charge. Articles will appear individually as soon as they are accepted and are ready for circulation. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Common license (Attribution-ShareAlike), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any more...

Journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutics

Journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutics - Pharmaceutical Sciences are one of the fastest growing fields of knowledge known for everlasting innovation. This field finds therapeutic solutions to innumerable healthcare challenges that the humanity encounters from time to time. Effective handling of public health issues largely depend on the way the pharmaceutical sciences reacts with fitting solutions, that include diagnosis, surgical, medicinal and rehabilitation practices. The Pharmaceutical Journals of Research and Review International deal with Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy, Pharma Research more...

Asian journal of pharmacy and pharmacology

Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (AJPP) is a bimonthly peer reviewed Journal publishing authentic quality research work and reviews that provides scientific knowledge to the all communities. AJPP (ISSN: 2455-2674) is an official publication of N.S. Memorial Scientific Research and Education Society. Society is registered under M. P. Society Registrikaran Adhiniyam, 1973 (No.44 of 1973).  AJPP serves as a messenger for exchange of scientific information between human being and researchers. It provides a podium to the researchers and scientists in more...

Sustainable chemistry and pharmacy

Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy publishes research that is related to sustainable chemistry or sustainable pharmacy. Papers contributing to a better understanding of concepts related to sustainable chemistry or sustainable pharmacy including circular economy are also highly welcome. Contributions from other disciplines e.g. humanities, social science, political science, jurisprudence, economics, ethics, and others are welcome if they address issues related to sustainable chemistry or sustainable pharmacy. As such the journal will publish in the following areas: Chemistry Chemical technology Materials Pharmaceutical science Pharmaceutical technology Life cycle issues and assessments more...

Pharmaceutical technology in hospital pharmacy

Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy (PTHP) is an international journal dedicated to all aspects of pharmaceutical technology in hospitals. This includes pharmaceutical compounding procedure with sterile or non-sterile drug products (chemotherapies, CIVAS, capsules, gels, topical formulations, colloidal carriers, emulsions, eye drops and else), radiopharmaceuticals, sterilization techniques, analytical and biological procedures (stability studies, quality control), monitoring and validation of materials, techniques and environment. It also includes the determination of medical-device performances using technical experiments or modelization. The journal will particularly welcome more...

Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy

Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy - JACCP is an official journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Aims and Scope JACCP is devoted to publication of papers across the spectrum of clinical pharmacy practice, including: • Clinical pharmacy services delivery models • Clinical pharmacy education and training • Credentialing and privileging of clinical pharmacists • Economic outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice • Health care policy influencing clinical pharmacy • Innovations in clinical pharmacist practice • International clinical pharmacy practice • Medication optimization and patient outcomes • Practice-based more...

Molecular and cellular pediatrics

Molecular and Cellular Pediatrics is an international and interdisciplinary open access journal publishing peer-reviewed articles on innovative research in pediatrics. The focus and the topics of this journal cover research areas relevant to pediatrics including rare diseases, genetic diseases, gene therapy, cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, genetics, immunology, infectiology, nephrology, neurology, oncology and hematology, pneumology, metabolism, neonatology and translational medicine in pediatrics. Molecular and Cellular Pediatrics is dedicated to exchange and discussion of current molecular and cellular concepts in pediatrics. This includes frontline reviews more...

Child neurology open

Child Neurology Open (CNO) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access forum for the most current information from clinical and investigative studies in the wide field of clinical pediatric neuroscience. Published articles come from a variety of disciplines, including child neurology, pediatric neurosurgery, pediatric neuroradiology, child and adolescent psychiatry, pediatric neuropsychology, developmental and behavioral pediatrics, and developmental neurobiology. Following careful peer review of submitted material, subsequent acceptance results in very rapid online publication and indexing in the major scientific publication databases.   Abstract more...

International journal of contemporary pediatrics

International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics (IJCP) is an open access, international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research work in all areas of pediatric research. The journal allows free access to its contents. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics is dedicated to publishing research in all aspects of health of infants, children, and adolescents. The journal has a broad coverage of relevant topics in pediatrics: General Pediatrics, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Adolescent Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Vaccines, Allergy and Immunology, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Critical Care Medicine, Developmental-Behavioral more...

Journal of pediatrics and neonatal care

Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care (JPNC) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal which deals with the post-pregnancy problems and its solutions. This journal seeks to publish high quality papers on pediatric adolescent medicine, allergy and immunology, cardiology, critical care medicine, developmental-behavioral medicine, endocrinology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, gastroenterology, hematology-oncology, infectious diseases, neonatal-perinatal medicine, nephrology, neurology, emergency medicine, pulmonology and rheumatology. JPNC welcomes research papers, review articles, short communications, case reports, mini-review, opinions and letter to editors on latest ongoing research more...

Current treatment options in pediatrics

Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics aims to review the most important, recently published research on treatment in the field of pediatrics.  By providing clear, insightful, balanced contributions by international experts, the journal intends to serve all those involved in the care of children of all ages. Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics accomplish this aim by appointing international authorities to serve as Section Editors in key subject areas covering all the major medical and surgical disciplines in pediatrics.  Section Editors, in turn, select more...

Comprehensive child and adolescent nursing

Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing: Building Evidence for Practice , is an international peer-reviewed journal that contributes to the knowledge base of children’s nurses and other health care professionals who care for children in all health care settings. Content topics appropriate for the journal include those related to all aspects of knowledge translation (evidence-based practice) into child health care practice. This includes: • Original quantitative and qualitative research; • Systematic reviews of the literature; • Descriptions of processes/projects such as service evaluations and audits more...

Pediatric quality and safety

Pediatric Quality and Safety (PQS) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online periodical dedicated to providing healthcare professionals a forum to disseminate the results of quality improvement and patient safety initiatives that impact the lives of children from newborn to young adulthood.  The journal expects to publish articles across a broad array of topics related to quality improvement including but not limited to QI methodologies and QI tool schools, QI related M & M, collaborative and network QI research, value more...

Journal of pediatrics and pediatric medicine

The Journal of Pediatrics and Pediatric Medicine is an International peer-reviewed open access journal which aims to provide untainted and factual scientific information for the healthy tomorrows of infants, children and adolescents. The Journal of Pediatrics and Pediatric medicine continues to promote the latest expansions in pediatric medicine, child health, policy, and support. The Journal provides a link between concept and preparation in the field. Papers account key results of clinical and public research, and considerations of programme development. The journal is more...

JMIR pediatrics and parenting

JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting (JPP) journal is published by JMIR Publications. JPP has a unique focus on technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, informatics applications for patient/parent education, training, counselling, behavioral interventions, preventative interventions and clinical care for pediatric and adolescent populations or child-parent dyads. JPP recognizes the role of patient- and parent-centered approaches in the 21st century using information and communication technologies to optimize pediatric and adolescent health outcomes. As an open access journal, IJPP read by clinicians, patients, and parents more...

Journal of statistical software

The Journal of Statistical Software (JSS) is an open-source and open-access scientific journal by the statistical software community for everybody interested in statistical computing. All aspects of the journal, from editorial work over review and copy-editing up to typesetting and publication, are run by a group of volunteers committed to free software (as in software that respects the users' essential freedoms: the freedom to run it, to study and change it, and to redistribute copies with or without changes) and more...

Australian and New Zealand journal of statistics

The Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics is an international journal managed jointly by the Statistical Society of Australia and the New Zealand Statistical Association. Its purpose is to report significant and novel contributions in statistics, ranging across articles on statistical theory, methodology, applications and computing. The journal has a particular focus on statistical techniques that can be readily applied to real-world problems, and on application papers with an Australasian emphasis. Outstanding articles submitted to the journal may be more...

The American Statistician

The American Statistician is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering statistics published by Taylor & Francis on behalf of the American Statistical Association. It was established in 1947 and the editor-in-chief is Daniel R. Jeske (University of California, Riverside).   Abstract & indexing American Mathematical Society American Statistical Association CABI (various) De Gruyter Saur (various) EBSCOhost (various) Scopus Computer Abstracts International Database Gale (various) Genamics JournalSeek Social Sciences Index Wilson Business Abstracts INIS Collection Search (International Nuclear Information System) PubMed ArticleFirst Education Index (Online) Periodical Abstracts Wilson Business Abstracts GeoRef Personal Alert (Email) ProQuest (various) Zentralblatt MATH (Online) Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts (CD-ROM) Research more...

The american journal of medicine

The American Journal of Medicine - "The Green Journal" - publishes original clinical research of interest to physicians in internal medicine, both in academia and community-based practice. AJM is the official journal of the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine, a prestigious group comprising internal medicine department chairs at more than 125 medical schools across the U.S. Each issue carries useful reviews as well as seminal articles of immediate interest to the practicing physician, including peer-reviewed, original scientific studies that have more...

European Journal of International Management

European Journal of International Management - EJIM is a leading journal with European and global perspectives, devoted to advancing international management research, practice and policy. Papers deal with regional, international or comparative issues affecting management scholars and practitioners. EJIM attempts to understand why and how firms manage the movement of people, information, money and products in the context of differing political, economic, social, ecological, competitive and technological environments. It seeks conceptual, theoretical, methodological, empirical, qualitative and review papers advancing the field of international more...

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