List of Journals around the world

European Journal of Management

European Journal of Management (EJM) is an academic journal published by the International Academy of Business and Ecomomics. The aim of EJM is to promote innovative thinking in management fields as well as other related areas. The journal focuses primarily on promoting research results related to the European business environment. The journal focuses on the following topics: General Management, Small Business Management, Global Business Management, Competitive Strategy and Game Theory, Human Resource Management, Management of Services, Operations and Logistics, Supply Chain Management, more...

European Management Journal

The European Management Journal (EMJ) is a flagship scholarly journal, publishing internationally leading research across all areas of management. EMJ articles challenge the status quo through critically informed empirical and theoretical investigations, and present the latest thinking and innovative research on major management topics, while still being accessible and interesting to non-specialists. EMJ articles are characterized by their intellectual curiosity and diverse methodological approaches, which lead to contributions that impact profoundly on management theory and practice. We welcome interdisciplinary research that more...

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN -  2349-7203) is an open access, peer reviewed international monthly journal dedicated to the latest advancement in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research. The Journal and Editorial Board endeavor to attract and publish articles from a variety of disciplines and educational settings to promote excellence in pharmaceutical research. The Journal is excited to revive the pharmacy professionals by providing services whose sole purpose is to unify and empower the pharmacy community. Healthcare researchers are invited to submit more...

International Journal of Business and Management

International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education. The journal aims at encouraging theoretical and applied research in the field of business and management, promoting the exchange of ideas between science and practice. In addition to original theoretical and empirical work, excellent state of the art contributions will also be considered.   The journal focuses on the topics: Corporate Governance; Human Resource Management; Marketing & Strategic more...

AIMS International Journal of Management

AIMS International Journal of Management (ISSN: 1939-7011) is the flagship journal of AIMS International. It commenced publication in 2007 and listed itself in the Cabell's Directory of Publication Opportunities in Management. It is a double-blind refereed journal. The journal provides an international forum for discussion of advancements in management including accounting, marketing, finance, organizational behaviour, human resource management, Management Information Systems, quantitative methods, quality management, operations management, economics, entrepreneurship, business ethics, strategy, etc. more...

Journal of management

The Journal of Management - JOM  is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles, that have a high impact on the management field as a whole. The journal encourages new ideas or new perspectives on existing research. The journal covers such areas as: Business strategy & policy Organizational behavior Human resource management Organizational theory Entrepreneurship Research Methods The Journal of Management welcomes empirical and theoretical articles dealing with micro, meso, and macro workplace phenomena. Manuscripts that are suitable for publication in the Journal of Management cover domains more...

Journal of applied social science

The Journal of Applied Social Science (JASS) is the official, peer-reviewed publication of the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology (AACS). JASS reflects more than 25 years of journal sponsorship by AACS and its predecessor organizations, the Society for Applied Sociology and the Sociological Practice Association. The Journal of Applied Social Science is the direct amalgamated successor of two previously published journals: The Journal of Applied Sociology and Sociological Practice: A Journal of Applied and Clinical Sociology. The Journal of Applied more...

Advances in applied sociology

Advances in Applied Sociology (AASoci) is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancements in applied sociology. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of applied sociology. All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Generally, accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks followed by printed hard more...

American Journal of Cultural Sociology

American Journal of Cultural Sociology - From modernity's onset, social theorists have been announcing the death of meaning, at the hands of market forces, impersonal power, scientific expertise, and the pervasive forces of rationalization and industrialization. Yet, cultural structures and processes have proved surprisingly resilient. Relatively autonomous patterns of meaning - sweeping narratives and dividing codes, redolent if elusive symbols, fervent demands for purity and cringing fears of pollution - continue to exert extraordinary effects on action and institutions. They more...

Chinese journal of sociology

SAGE Publications is delighted to partner with Shanghai University to publish the new English language edition of the Chinese Journal of Sociology, co-sponsored with the Paul and Marcia Wythes Center on Contemporary China. The first issue will be published in March 2015. The well-known sociologist, Professor Yu Xie, Bert G.Kerstetter '66 University Professor of Sociology and the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies at Princeton University, is appointed as the Editor-in-chief. Associate Professor Xiulin Sun, School of Sociology of Shanghai more...

American Journal of Sociology

American Journal of Sociology - Established in 1895 as the first  U.S. scholarly journal in its field, the American Journal of Sociology (AJS) remains a leading voice for analysis and research in the social sciences. The journal presents pathbreaking work from all areas of sociology, with an emphasis on theory building and innovative methods. AJS strives to speak to the general sociological reader and is open to sociologically informed contributions from anthropologists, statisticians, economists, educators, historians, and political scientists. AJS more...

The Social Science Journal

The Social Science Journal (ISSN- 0362-3319) is the official journal of the Western Social Science Association. The principal purpose of the journal is to publish scholarly work in the social sciences. The research that is published may take a theoretical or speculative model as well as statistical and mathematical. Contributions are welcome from all fields which have relevant and insightful comments to make about the social sciences. The journal also includes a Research Note section which is devoted to supporting scholarly research more...

International Journal of Social Science Studies

International Journal of Social Science Studies (ISSN 2324-8033) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, published by the Redfame Publishing. The journal is published Bimonthly in both print and online versions. The scopes of the journal include: Anthropology Archaeology Area Studies Communication Studies Criminology & Criminal Justice Cultural and Ethnic Studies Economics Education Geography History Law Linguistics Management Philosophy Political Science Psychology Sociology    Indexing details BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) CNKI Scholar COPAC Crossref EconBiz EconPapers Genamics JournalSeek Google Scholar Citations Harvard Library HeinOnline IDEAS Infotrieve JournalTOCs LOCKSS MIAR Open Access Library (OALib) OpenEdition Open J-Gate PKP Open Archives Harvester Publons RePEc ROAD SHERPA/RoMEO SocioRePEc The Standard Periodical Directory UC Riverside Library Ulrich's Worldcat more...

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS) is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal published by Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI), USA. The main objective of IJHSS is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. IJHSS aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in humanities and social science and become the leading journal in humanities and social science in the world. The journal publishes research papers in the fields of humanities and social science such as anthropology,  Business studies,  Communication studies,  Corporate more...

International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies

The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies (IJ-SSHS) - (ISSN - 1309-8063) is an open access, double-blind peer-reviewed, international journal published by Social Sciences Research Society in English. The scope of International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies - IJ-SSHS encompasses theoretical, empirical or policy oriented research articles, original research reports, reviews, short communication and scientific commentaries in the fields of social sciences, economics, business, management, law, political science, sociology, philosophy, ethics including both controversial and innovative ideas and more...

International journal of biotechnology

International journal of biotechnology - IJBT provides an international forum and refereed authoritative source of information in the field of Biotechnology and Biotechnics, with emphasis on management and economics, as well as the political and social issues. It aims to disseminate knowledge, provide a learned reference in the field, and establish channels of communication between academic and research experts, policy makers and executives in industry, commerce and investment institutions. The main objective of IJBT is to promote policy-oriented research in the more...

Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology

The Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology is a open access, peer-reviewed journal published by Open Science Publishers LLP (registers under section 12(1) of LLP Act 2008). The journal publish on Bi-monthly basis (6 issue per year) and available in both online and print format.   Aims & Scope Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, dedicated to publication of review articles, original research, short communications on applied researches in following fields of Cell biology, Biology, Developmental biology, Structural biology, Microbiology, Molecular biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Food Science, Medicinal Plants, Ethnobotany, Environmental more...

Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy

The Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy (ABAP) will be useful to form a forum for scientists so that they can bring together to discuss and find scientific solutions to the problems of society. The annual meetings will help the members to share their knowledge and publish their research knowledge particularly by members and fellows of the Association and special care will be taken to provide an opportunity for young scientists. Besides this the association is planned to organize symposia, seminars more...

Plant Biotechnology Journal

Plant Biotechnology Journal, an Open Access journal, publishes high-impact original research and incisive reviews with an emphasis on molecular plant sciences and their applications through plant biotechnology. Reasons to publish with Plant Biotechnology Journal High Impact Factor: 6.84 (in top 5 original research journals in plant sciences and number 1 Open Access journal in plant sciences). CiteScore: 6.88 (ranked number 1 among all Open Access journals in the plant sciences. Ranked number 1 among 320 agronomy and crop science journals)  High standard, rigorous peer more...

Biotechnology Advances

Biotechnology Advances is a review journal which considers all aspects of the multidisciplinary field. The scope includes biotechnology principles and applications in industry, agriculture, medicine, environmental concerns and regulatory issues. Authoritative articles on current developments and future trends in biotechnology are empathized. Submissions of appropriate manuscripts are invited. A wide audience of scientists, engineers and others is addressed: students, instructors, researchers, practitioners, managers, governments and related stakeholders. Special issues are published on selections of presentations at recent relevant conferences as more...

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