International Critical Thought

International Critical Thought aims to cultivate, encourage and facilitate the development and dissemination of thinking and scholarship responding to the profound social, political, cultural and economic changes taking place in the world today. It aims:

To provide a multi-disciplinary forum for reflection on and insight to the major problems facing humanity (energy, environment, poverty, war, etc.), where living and breathing contemporary experiences can be processed into works of theoretical depth and scholarly rigor.

To build a global forum for dialogue among various social currents, as an attempt to better integrate different perspectives and reconcile different needs and interests.

To emphasize the position of developing countries and bring attention to the practical, theoretical and methodological efforts made within non-Western contexts, in view of the fact that the future of human development requires cultural diversity to counterbalance the linear evolutionism characteristic of most modern Western theories.

To highlight the case of China, which, with its stunning economic development and social transformation, has challenged old wisdom of development while leaving profound questions to be answered with respect to its own future as well as its role in a world of economic, ecological, and to a great extent, political crises.


International Critical Thought is indexed/abstracted in the Emerging Sources Citation Index and OCLC.

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