International journal of yoga therapy PubMed Indexed Journal | |
International journal of yoga therapy Clarivate Indexed Journal |
Note : Please visit Indexing site to sure the journal is indexed or not.
Scopus Indexed Journals 2025Journal Name | International journal of yoga therapy |
Journal Abbreviation | International journal of yoga therapy Abbreviation |
Journal Print | 1531-2054 (15312054) |
Impact Factor | International journal of yoga therapy Impact Factor |
CiteScore | International journal of yoga therapy CiteScore |
Acceptance Rate | International journal of yoga therapy Acceptance Rate |
SCImago Journal Rank | International journal of yoga therapy SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) |
International Journal of Yoga Indexing Details
International Journal of Yoga (Print ISSN : 0973-6131), is a multidisciplinary 3 Issues scientific Yoga journal, dedicated to Yoga research. The more...