Aquatic Botany - Abstract & Indexing

Aquatic Botany Indexing

Aquatic Botany Clarivate Indexed Journal

Note : Please visit Indexing site to sure the journal is indexed or not.

Scopus Indexed Journals 2025

Aquatic Botany Details

Journal Name Aquatic Botany
Journal Abbreviation Aquatic Botany Abbreviation
Journal Print 0304-3770 (03043770)
Impact Factor Aquatic Botany Impact Factor
CiteScore Aquatic Botany CiteScore
Acceptance Rate Aquatic Botany Acceptance Rate
SCImago Journal Rank Aquatic Botany SJR (SCImago Journal Rank)

Aquatic Botany

Aquatic Botany offers a platform for papers relevant to a broad international readership on fundamental and applied aspects of marine and freshwater macroscopic plants in a context of ecology or environmental biology. This includes molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects of macroscopic aquatic plants as well as the classification, structure, function, dynamics and ecological interactions in plant-dominated aquatic communities and ecosystems. It is an outlet for papers dealing with research on the consequences of disturbance and stressors (e.g. environmental fluctuations and climate change, pollution, grazing and pathogens), use and management of aquatic plants (plant production and decomposition, commercial harvest, plant control) and the conservation of aquatic plant communities (breeding, transplantation and restoration). Specialized publications on certain rare taxa or papers on aquatic macroscopic plants from under-represented regions in the world can also find their place, subject to editor evaluation. Studies on fungi or microalgae will remain outside the scope of Aquatic Botany.   Abstracting and Indexing BIOSIS Citation Index Ecology Abstracts EMBiology Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Current Contents - Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences Ecological Abstracts Fisheries Review Freshwater and Aquaculture Contents Tables Marine Science Contents Tables Scopus more...

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