ACM Computing Surveys - Abstract & Indexing

ACM Computing Surveys Indexing

ACM Computing Surveys Clarivate Indexed Journal

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Scopus Indexed Journals 2025

ACM Computing Surveys Details

Journal Name ACM Computing Surveys
Journal Abbreviation ACM Computing Surveys Abbreviation
Journal Print 0360-0300 (03600300)
Journal Online 1557-7341 (15577341)
Impact Factor ACM Computing Surveys Impact Factor
CiteScore ACM Computing Surveys CiteScore
Acceptance Rate ACM Computing Surveys Acceptance Rate
SCImago Journal Rank ACM Computing Surveys SJR (SCImago Journal Rank)

ACM Computing Surveys

ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) publishes comprehensive, readable tutorials and survey papers that give guided tours through the literature and explain topics to those who seek to learn the basics of areas outside their specialties. These carefully planned and presented introductions are also an excellent way for professionals to develop perspectives on, and identify trends in complex technologies. Recent issues have covered image understanding, software reusability, and object and relational database topics.  Computing Surveys does not publish "new" research. This is left to the Transactions and other specialized publications of the ACM. Instead, Computing Surveys focuses on surveys and tutorials that integrate the existing literature and put its results in context. The main difference between a survey and a tutorial is emphasis. A survey article assumes a general knowledge of the area; it emphasizes the classification of the existing literature, developing a perspective on the area, and evaluating trends. A tutorial assumes its audience is inexpert; it emphasizes the basic concepts of the field and provides concrete examples that embody these concepts. Both surveys and tutorials must develop a framework or overall view of an area that integrates the existing literature. Frequently, such a framework exposes topics that need additional research; a good Computing Surveys more...

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