International journal of central banking CiteScore 2024-2025

What is CiteScore?

International journal of central banking - CiteScore - Evaluating scientific quality is an extremely tough problem that has no ordinary solution. In theory, published scientific results should be examined by real experts in the field and should be given scores for quality and quantity according to the established rules. One of the new ways to measure the impact and performance of a journal over time is the Cite score. Cite score is a standard that will help you manage and make decisions about its future wisely because of the data that you’ll procure. The number of citations obtained by a journal per annum to documents published in previous three years, divided by the total number of documents indexed in Scopus published in those same three years. The Citescore is an important metric. It is usually used as a way to measure the relative importance of a journal within all printed documents like letter, editorial, etc; journals that have higher citescore values are usually considered to be of higher prestige. They are considered to be having more prestige, than those with lower values. Citescore gives a much more comprehensive picture about the impact of a journal than other metrics like Impact Factor. If CiteScore of International journal of central banking is high then its a prestigious journal.

International journal of central banking CiteScore Year Wise

Note : This information is taken from the Scopus.

Note : This information is taken from the Scopus.

International journal of central banking Details

Calculation of "International journal of central banking" CiteScore

The CiteScore calculation of the current year depends on the number of citations received by a journal in the last 3 years and the current year aswell, which is then divided by the total number of all documents published in the journal in those last four years (including the calculation year). This is how the cite score of International journal of central banking is calculated. Citescore’s calculation is easy with no secret algorithms or hidden details. The formula for calculation of CiteScore is

CiteScore in 2025 = No. of citations received in 2022-2025 to documents published in 2022-2025 / No. of documents published in 2022-2025

CiteScore for 2025 counts the citations received in the year 2025 to documents published in 2022, 2023 and 2024, and divides this by the number of documents published in 2022, 2023 and 2024.

CiteScore is calculated on an annual basis, showing the average citations for a full calendar year but since impact of a journal is dynamic so elsevier provides a cite score tracker that measures performance in real time and provides an updated view of how the journal is performing during the year. CiteScore Tracker is updated every month. So International journal of central banking has its own score card, which is updated monthly.

Issues with CiteScore

Even though when we use CiteScore, it can provide interesting information about how a journal is being cited, its cautioned to be used as a “quality” metricrather than just a journal based metric. One of the immediate implications of CiteScore is that it drastically replaces the measurements of some of the very prestigious publications according to other metrics. This is done by looking at all the parts of the editorial program (editorials, commentaries, perspectives) as articles. CiteScore is used an estimate for research articles, but now it is also being used to judge non-research aspects of journals.

  1. We have a new service that is beautifully executed, but adds little value to scholarly communications overall.
  2. It puts Elsevier into a conflict of interest instead of being just independent
  3. It increases the pressure on the competition.
  4. It will encourage a philosophy of editorial design, that will serve the company’s economic and financial interests.

Seeing as how much the use of citescore has been increasing and how journal prestige is being used as an indicator in research evaluation, a critical evaluation of this indicator is thus required. The citescore of International journal of central banking is a very big deal for it.

International journal of central banking - In July 2004, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the European Central Bank, and each of the Group of Ten* (G-10) central banks announced their plans to support the development of a new publication focused on central bank theory and practice. Other central banks were invited to participate in this joint project, and there are now 55 sponsoring institutions. From its initiation, the sponsors were committed to ensuring that the International Journal of Central Banking (IJCB) offer peer-reviewed articles of high analytical quality for a professional audience. The primary objectives of the IJCB are to widely more...

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