RSC Advances FAQ

RSC Advances

RSC Advances papers should provide an insight that advances the chemistry field. Papers that contain little or no chemistry and are not considered to be of interest or relevance to the chemistry community are not within the scope of the journal. The criteria for publication are that the work must be high quality, well-conducted and advance the development of the field. Articles submitted to the journal are evaluated by our international team of associate editors and reviewers for the overall quality and accuracy of the science presented. RSC Advances Subject Categories Main category Sub-categories Analytical Bioanalytical Medical diagnostics Atomic/elemental Microfluidics Chemometrics Nanoanalysis Crystallography Sensors Electroanalytical Separation science Imaging/microscopy Spectroscopy Mass spectrometry   Biological Biomedical Microbiology Biophysics Molecular biology Cell biology Photobiology Computational Synthetic biology Diagnostics Systems biology   Chemical biology & medicinal Bioinorganic chemistry Molecular biology Bioorganic chemistry Nanotechnology Biotechnology Natural products Cellular chemistry Polymorphism (pharma) Computational Pharmacology Drug delivery Photobiology Drug discovery Structural biology Imaging/diagnostics Toxicology Catalysis Acid/base Nanocatalysis Biocatalysis Organocatalysis Electrocatalysis Photocatalysis Heterogeneous Redox Homogeneous   Energy Biofuels & biomass Hydrogen Biotechnology Materials & nanotechnology Fossil fuels Nuclear power Electrochemical energy Solar energy Environmental Analysis Remediation Atmosphere Soils/sediments Ecology Toxicity Nanoscience Water Radioactivity   Food Food analysis Food structure Food colloids Nutrition Food processing Packaging Food safety   Inorganic Group 1 & 2 metals Organometallic Bioinorganic Solid state Coordination chemistry Supramolecular Lanthanides/actinides Transition metals Main-group chemistry   Main category Sub-categories Materials Biomaterials Gels & soft matter Biopolymers Inorganic materials Carbon materials Medical materials Composites Nanomaterials Electronic materials Optical materials Encapsulation Organic materials Energy applications Polymers Films/membranes   Nanoscience Assembly Nanomaterials Biotechnology Nanomedicine Carbon nanomaterials Nanotoxicology Imaging/microscopy Optical nanomaterials Nanoanalysis Synthesis Nanocatalysis   Organic Bioorganic Physical organic Catalysis Stereochemistry Sustainable synthesis Supramolecular Fine chemicals Synthetic methodology Natural products Total synthesis Physical Biophysics Nanoscience Charge transfer Photoscience Electrochemistry Quantum more...

Is RSC Advances a reputable journal?

RSC Advances is a peer reviewed journal in Chemistry filed which is published by Royal Society of Chemistry, the latest Impact factor of RSC Advances is 3.245 RSC Advances Impact Factor.

What RSC Advances stands for?

RSC Advances is a peer reviewed journal, published by Royal Society of Chemistry since 2011, The journal covers primary research from any discipline within Chemistry and Science and knowledge

What is RSC Advances acceptance rate?

The manuscript acceptance rate of RSC Advances is Not available, for more details about RSC Advances acceptance rate please visit : RSC Advances acceptance rate

Is RSC Advances an Indexed journal?

The RSC Advances Journal is indexed in various databases like Web Of Science (WoS), UGC. Indexing Details of RSC Advances

Is RSC Advances Web Of Science (WoS) Indexed journal?

Yes RSC Advances Journal is indexed is Web Of Science (WoS). please visit for all indexing details : Indexing Details of RSC Advances

Is RSC Advances a peer reviewed journal?

RSC Advances is a peer reviewed journal in Chemistry filed which is published by Royal Society of Chemistry.

What is the impact factor of RSC Advances?

The RSC Advances latest impact factor is 3.245 which is just updated in 2024. RSC Advances Impact Factor 2023-2024

What is the abbreviation of RSC Advances?

The Abbreviation of RSC Advances is RSC Adv. visit for more information : RSC Advances abbreviation

Is RSC Advances trusted?

RSC Advances papers should provide an insight that advances the chemistry field. Papers that contain little or no chemistry and are not considered to be of interest or relevance to the chemistry community are not within the scope of the journal. The criteria for publication are that the work must be more...

Who owns RSC Advances?

RSC Advances is a peer reviewed journal published by Royal Society of Chemistry.

How do I publish in RSC Advances journal?

If you are looking for publish your research paper in RSC Advances journal, please visit journal manuscript submission portal. more details...

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