List of Chemistry Journals - 2025

Journal of Chemical Sciences

The Journal of Chemical Sciences publishes original articles and rapid communications by Indian and other researchers, spanning topics in the chemical sciences. It was originally part of the Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences – Part A, founded by the Nobel Laureate Professor C.V. Raman in 1934. It was renamed Journal of Chemical Sciences, matching its present-day focus, in 2004. The journal presents original research articles and rapid communications, covering all areas of chemical sciences. A significant feature is more...

Asian Journal of Chemistry

Asian Journal of Chemistry, a Multidisciplinary Chemistry Journal is an Peer Reviewed   International Journal and publishes from India. The journal has been established since   January 1989 on a firm foundation of International Quality Research. This Journal encompasses all branches of chemistry and its sub – disciplines like Pharmaceutical,  Biological activities of Synthetic Drugs, Environmental Chemistry, Biochemistry,  Polymer Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, and Agricultural Chemistry, etc. All papers are peer-reviewed and newly selected panels of international referees have been appointed to ensure more...

Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science

Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science (IJACS) is  a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly under the erudite guidance of national and international experts culled from different fields of Chemistry and is produced by KROS Publications and Yogi Vemana  University. IJACS is an international research journal, devoted to promote research in all branches of the theory & practice in Chemical Science. IJACS publishes the recent advancements (manuscripts of research and review articles, mini-reviews, Notes/Short Communications) on the original work, either theoretical or more...

BMC chemistry

BMC Chemistry is an open access, peer reviewed journal that considers all articles in the broad field of chemistry, including research on fundamental concepts, new developments and the application of chemical sciences to broad range of research fields, industry, and other disciplines. It provides an inclusive platform for the dissemination and discussion of chemistry to aid the advancement of all areas of research. Sections: Analytical Chemistry Organic Chemistry Environmental and Energy Chemistry Agricultural and Food Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry Physical Chemistry Materials and Macromolecular Chemistry Green and Sustainable Chemistry   Indexing more...

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